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President Paul Ratcliffe
Responsible for the administration of the USS Bristol Veterans Association. Presides over the reunion organizational meeting and is assisted in those duties by the elected officers and other appointed individuals.
1st Vice President Paul Kallfelz
Second in charge regarding all Association matters. Handles responsibilities as assigned by the President.
2nd Vice President Duane Haugan
Next in line after the Vice President regarding all Association matters. Handles responsibilities as assigned by the President.
Secretary Marty Walsh
Responsible for recording minutes of all association meetings and producing copies for distribution to all members. Compile and mail "New Member Package".
Treasurer Tony Molnar
Responsible for handling all income funds and the disbursement of authorized expenditures and maintaining books and records to account for the funds. Maintains all association rosters on a current basis.
Master-at-Arms Don Tanner
Responsible for maintaining proper order at all Association functions and activities.
Chaplain Walter Marczak
Responsible for providing a spiritual presence at the annual reunion. Conducts the invocation at dinner and leads the Memorial Service on the last day of the reunion.
Appointed Officer
Editor Ed Lynch
Responsible for all aspects of the development of the quarterly newsletter. This includes writing, editing, publication, and distribution.

You can see who held these posts in the past on our officers past and present page.

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